Some people using Intel Macs and OS X were unable to get serproxy configured correctly to connect Flash and the Arduino board. To work around this problem, I have written a replacement for serproxy in java called Arduino2Flash. This is experimental code, hacked together quickly, and probably buggy. Please test, let me know if it works, and I'll upload improved versions over time.
Installation steps:
- Download arduino2flash.jar. Extract in some known place, maybe even into the same directory where serproxy was.
- Install RXTX for Mac OSX - unfortunately this isn't straightforward.
- Download rxtx 2.1-7 binaries.
- Extract RXTXcomm.jar and Mac_OS_X/librxtxSerial.jnilib form the zip file to /Library/Java/Extensions on your hard drive.
- Open Terminal. Execute "sudo chmod 777 /var/lock". If the lock directory doesn't exist, create it first: "sudo mkdir /var/lock", then execute the chmod command as above.
- In Terminal, execute "sudo chmod 777 /var/spool/uucp". If the uucp directory doesn't exist, create it first: "sudo mkdir /var/spool/uucp", then execute the chmod command as above. (NOTE: we need more secure instructions here so people can chmod 775 instead. The user's account has to be added to group _uucp or uucp, but unfortunately the existing script for this uses niutil, which does not exist on OSX leopard - it was replaced by dscl).
Running arduino2flash
- Connect the Arduino via USB. Execute "ls /dev/cu.usb*" to find the name of the Arduino serial port.
- In your terminal, go to the directory where arduino2flash.jar lives and run "java -jar arduino2flash.jar /dev/cu.usbXYZ" where /dev/cu.usbXYZ is the name of your serial port.
- Now run your Flash test.
arduino2flash documentation:
Usage: java -jar arduino2flash.jar <com_port> <com_speed> <tcp_port>
Example: java -jar arduino2flash.jar /dev/cu.usbserial-A1001NgZ 57600 5331
The second and third arguments are optional - defaults are 57600 for serial speed and port 5331.
You can stop arduino2flash with Ctrl+C.
If you get a message about a stale lock file that RxTx removed, don't worry about it. If you get an error message about a Lock file, delete that file directly from directory /var/lock and restart arduino2flash.
If you get a "Port already in use" exception, most likely RxTx is not installed correctly - /var/lock may not exist or you didn't set the folder permissions correctly.
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