(Start with the ExemplarIntro if you're wondering how use Exemplar for your own projects.)
Exemplar Bundle
Exemplar is a Java application written as a plug-in for the Eclipse platform. We have bundled Exemplar 0.4.0, Eclipse 3.2.2, a Java runtime environment (J2SE 6), and serial port drivers (RxTx 2.1.7), Arduino firmware and an Adobe Flash test file in one single distribution file for Windows. Download exemplar-cd.zip and unzip; then unzip the file exemplar-with-eclipse.zip into a fresh directory on your hard drive. This is a large file - while Exemplar itself takes up only 3MB, Eclipse itself is well over 100MB. When done, run start-exemplar.bat to start Exemplar and Eclipse.
If you want to run Exemplar on a Mac or already have Eclipse installed, please follow the manual instructions:
Manual Install
- Install the latest Java JDK or JRE from java.sun.com for Windows (J2SE 6, which is Java 1.6.0) or from apple.com for Mac OSX (J2SE5, which is Java 1.5.0)
- Install the RxTx 2.1.7 binaries for your platform by downloading rxtx-2.1-7-bins-r2.zip from rxtx.org.
- On a PC: copy the binaries into your JDR and/or JRE directories. There is an "INSTALL" readme file in the zip file with instructions.
- On a Mac:
- Option 1: Follow PC steps, then also download and run this shell script macosx-setup-rxtx.sh to set folder permissions. you may have to "chmod ugo+x macosx-setup-rxtx.sh" to make the script executable.
- Option 2: Stuart Smith had success with running the RxTx_Tiger package in the MACOSX_IDE folder.
- Install the latest Eclipse SDK from eclipse.org/downloads (this currently is Eclipse 3.2.2).
- Download the Exemplar plug-in jar file from hci.stanford.edu/research/exemplar/. Copy this file into your eclipse/plugins directory.
Shopping for Hardware
In order to work with sensor data in Exemplar, you'll need some sensors, and a hardware interface to forward data from the sensors to the computer running Exemplar.
We like interface boards based on Atmel AVR processors. Here are some options:
We usually order our sensors from Sparkfun, Trossen Robotics, and Acroname.com.
Load Arduino FirmwareTo connect your Arduino board to Exemplar, download the file arduino-firmware.zip and unzip it into your Arduino projects folder. Open exemplar_a2d.pde, compile and upload to your Arduino board. All six analog input channels now send data to Exemplar. For more information, please see the comments in the Arduino file.
Configure Eclipse
- Your hardware has to be connected before you start Eclipse so the serial port is visible to Exemplar.
- Start Eclipse with start-exemplar.bat(or eclipse.exe if you installed manually) . In Eclipse, go to the Windows menu->Preferences->Exemplar Preferences page and enter the serial port and speed that your hardware device uses. For our Arduino firmware, the serial port speed is 38400 bps, and the maximum A2D value is 256. For our Wiring firmware, the serial port speed is 115200 bps and the maximum A2D value is 1024.
- Go to Window->Show View->Other->Exemplar->Exemplar to open the Exemplar window.
Test Connection to Flash
We provide a sample Flash file (flash-test.zip) to test communication between Exemplar and Flash.
- Start Eclipse/Exemplar first.
- Now run exemplar-flash-test.fla from within Flash. If you run the .swf file outside of the authoring environment, Flash will ask you to set security preferences to let the application communicate with the Exemplar server. In the test application, checkboxes are checked whenever a corresponding Exemplar event starts, and unchecked when it ends.
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