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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago


Install Exemplar and Eclipse

First follow the Installation instructions (sections Exemplar Bundle or Manual Install)for setting up Exemplar on your machine.


Configure Eclipse

  1. Start Eclipse. Go to Windows->Preferences->Exemplar Preferences, choose "WiTilt" as your Input device and enter the serial port that your Bluetooth software assigned to the Witilt board (e.g., "COM3" on a PC or "/dev/tty.BlueRadios-COM0-1" on Mac OSX).
  2. Go to Window->Show View->Other->Exemplar->Exemplar to show the Exemplar window.
  3. Hit Ok, then close and restart Eclipse for the settings to take effect.


Startup Sequence for getting the WiTilt to talk to Exemplar

On a PC

  1. Connect Bluetooth dongle to the PC.
  2. Turn on the power switch on the WiTilt. The small red bluetooth status LED should blink on a 1Hz cycle now.
  3. Open Bluetooth software on the PC and create a serial port connection. If this is the first time you are connecting to the WiTilt, create a Pairing (the password is "default").
  4. Start Eclipse. You should see the green "BT" LED light up on the WiTilt, and the big red Status LED should be off. If the big red Status LED is on, hit "Reset" on the WiTilt now. After about three seconds, the bigger red "Status" LED on the WiTilt should be pulsing right now and data should be streaming in to Exemplar.


On a Mac

  1. Connect Bluetooth dongle to the Mac.
  2. Turn on the power switch on the WiTilt. The red status LED should blink on a 1Hz cycle now.
  3. If this is the first time you are connecting to the WiTilt, create a Pairing (the password is "default") in the Bluetooth Preferences.
  4. Start Eclipse. You should see the green "BT" LED light up on the WiTilt, and the big red Status LED should be off. If the big red Status LED is on, hit "Reset" on the WiTilt now.After about three seconds, the bigger red "Status" LED on the WiTilt should be pulsing right now and data should be streaming in to Exemplar.

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