

Page history last edited by hraffle 15 years ago

Arduino with Serial-to-Ethernet Gateway 1labeled-hardwareWiringMini board running Wiring_Osc


Welcome to the ProtoLab Wiki.

This wiki is a repository of information about physical computing and prototyping maintained by the Stanford HCI Group.


Stanford Prototyping Tutorials (CS247, E231)


Prototyping Software written at the Stanford HCI Group




OpenSoundControl Utilities

  • Arduino_Osc: Firmware for sending/receiving OSC messages on Arduino
  • Wiring_Osc: Firmware for sending/receiving OSC messages on Wiring / WiringMini
  • pd_OSCserial: Updated OSC-over-serial objects for Pd on Mac OS X
  • PdOscRelay: Pd patch for bi-directional OSC message relaying from Serial to UDP and back. Useful to connect data from Arduino_Osc and Wiring_Osc to applications that expect OSC messages as UDP packets (e.g., Osculator).


Firmata Utilities

  • FirmataEth - Arduino Firmware for sending/receiving Firmata 2.0 over TCP with the Arduino Ethernet Shield
  • as3Glue - Flash library for talking to Arduino boards using the Firmata protocol



  • Protocols - communication protocols and conventions we're using
  • BugLabs Bug - adventures with the BugLabs hardware kit



Notes on Hardware




Morgue File

Dead projects with remaining documentation that may still be useful.



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