
The folks at CCRMA are maintaining a nice set of pd objects to send/receive OSC messages over serial connections.

Unfortunately the latest available binaries (pd_OSCserial_externs20070810.tar.gz - linked off the AVR wiki page) don't deal very well with sending messages from Pd to an attached microcontroller. I've written some patches - until they are folded into the source, I'll make them available here.


Source: serialIO.c

Mac OS X (intel) binary: serialIO.pd_darwin


Test patch to exchange messages with Arduino_Osc firmware: arduino_osc_pd_0001.zip

(open arduino_osc.pd)


Test patch to exchange messages with Wiring_Osc firmware: wiring_osc_pd_0002.zip

(open wiring_osc.pd)

Change log:

12/2/08: 0002 - made pins 0 & 1 available, fixed slider ranges to use 10bit

Earlier versions:  wiring_osc_pd_0001.zip




Notes on adding OSCserial objects into a fresh Pd-extended installation:


Notes on compiling serialIO from source on OS X:


Notes on changes to serialIO.c: