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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago

OSC message format for d.tools input

d.tools accepts messages from hardware devices in OpenSoundControl (OSC format).

  • Messages generally have one single integer argument.
  • Standard addressing scheme is:
    • "/inn" where n is a number, for discrete (binary) inputs
    • "/outn" for discrete (binary) outputs
    • "/ledn" for LEDs with discrete (on/off) control
    • "/ledpwmn" for LEDs with pulse width modulation control
    • "/encn" for rotary encoders
    • "/adcn" for analog inputs
    • "/knbn" for potentiometers
    • "/sldn" for slide potentiometers
    • "/btnn" for momentary switches (buttons)
    • "/swtn" for switches


OSC message format for Exemplar input

Exemplar accepts messages from hardware devices in OpenSoundControl (OSC format).

  • Exemplar currently supports up to eight channels of analog sensor data. OSC addresses for the channels are "/adc0" through "/adc7".
  • Messages should have one single integer argument. The range of the argument (i.e., how many bits of information are transmitted in the 32bit OSC integer) can be set in the Exemplar Preferences in Eclipse.



WiTilt message format for Exemplar input

  • Set Witilt to binary (raw) data format
  • Data format is described on the SparkFun site (insert link)


XML message format between Exemplar and Flash

Exemplar sends XML fragment strings of the following format to Flash:

<exemplarevent address="" value="" />
  • address is the OSC address specified in the Exemplar UI (e.g., "/xevent1")
  • for discrete (on/off) events, value is 1 when the event starts and 0 when it terminates
  • for continuous events, value is an integer between 0 and the maximum A2D value set in Exemplar preferences


<exemplarevent address="/xevent1" value="1" />
<exemplarevent address="/xstream3" value="248" />

XML message protocol between Flash and Exemplar for "Extending Everyday Play" demo

For the CHI07 demo of "Extending Everyday Play" we used a custom bidirectional protocol. This is NOT turned on in the default public distribution of Exemplar.


Direction: Flash->Exemplar

<startrecord event="eventname"/>
Start recording a new example.

<stoprecord event="eventname"/>
Stop recording the example started before.

<toggle event="eventname" status="on/off" />
Turn detection of event "eventname" on or off.

<startdetect />
Start reading data & detecting events. Only events that have been
turned on with <toggle...> will be detected.

<stopdetect />
Stop reading data & detecting events. Keep all examples in memory.

<reset />
Stop reading data. Clear all learned examples.


Direction: Exemplar->Flash

<detect event="eventname" status="on/off" />
Sent when event of type "eventname" is detected. For pattern matching,
only status "on" will be sent. For thresholding, "on" will be sent
when the event starts, "off" will be sent when the event ends.

<forwardreset />
Sent when the Reset button on a WiTilt device is pressed.

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