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Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 3 months ago

Instructions for capturing images of the iRoom whiteboard


1) Make sure the USB connection is working:

Check the black external USB 2.0 hub connected to LIMA. The beige USB cable connects to the camera. If the blue LED aligned with the cable is not lit, unplug the beige cable, then unplug the black USB mini cable, then replug both but plug the beige cable into a different slot. Why? The camera is connected through multiple active USB extenders because the cable length exceeds the maximum USB spec. For some reason, the hub cannot provide enough power and the port "goes down" after a while.


2) Run the capture script:

Execute C:\Documents and Settings\dtools\Desktop\whiteboard-capture\capture-process.sh on LIMA. You should see console messages ("connecting to camera... getting release data..." etc.). If you get error messages, please email them to bjoern@stanford.edu.


Auto-upload to Flickr is not working.

Your image will be C:\Documents and Settings\dtools\Desktop\whiteboard-capture\whiteboard-processed.jpg

Old images will be overwritten so copy your file immediately after capture.

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